
Mouhitotsu no jilan (l'autre temps) / もうひとつの時間
céramique fer, verre, eau / ceramic, iron, glasse, water / 陶、鉄、ガラス、水 
90 x 90 x 50 cm

Photo : Akiko Hoshina

Le titre de ce travail " j'ai trouvé d'autre temps", j'ai placé dans des verres d'eau ma céramique avec des fils de fer.
Ces matériaux se sont gorgés d'eau et en se déformant ont produit des sons comme s'ils étaient vivants.

"Mouhitotsu no jikan" Just like to make a drawing, iron wires were placed on the clay to be baked.
The baked ceramic pieces were then put in glasses and water was poured into them.
In the water, the pieces of ceramics made sounds of absorbing water, iron wires began to get rusted and fallen apart, and changed their appearances everyday. The ceramic pieces appeared as if they were alive.
